Timetable 2025

Timetable 2025

  • SA, SO & public holiday: 1 May to 26 October
  • FR: 2 + 30 May, 20 June, 4 July to 29 August
Retz - Drosendorf 2025
  SA, SO, & FTG: 01.05. - 26.10.(except 28.09.)
FR: 04.07. - 29.08. and 02. + 30.05. | 20.06.
SA: 05.07.-30.08.
and 07.06., 21.06. | 27.09
Znojmo (ab) 8:57 12:57 14:57
Retz (an) 9:14 13:14 15:14
Vienna Floridsdorf (ab) 8:11 12:11 15:11
Retz (an) 9:12 13:12 16:12
  R 16970 R 16972 R 16974
Retz from 9:30 13:30 17:05
Hofern x 9:45 x 13:45 x 17:20
Niederfladnitz 9:49 13:49 17:24
Pleißing-Waschbach x 10:02 x 14:02 x 17:37
Weitersfeld Lower Austria x 10:09 x 14:09 x 17:44
Hessendorf fishing paradise 10:35 14:20 17:55
Langau x 10:40 x 14:25 x 18:00
Geras-Kottaun 10:50 14:35 18:10
Zissersdorf x 10:57 x 14:42 x 18:17
Drosendorf to 11:05 14:50 18:25


Drosendorf - Retz 2025
  SA, SO, & FTG: 01.05. - 26.10. (except 28.09.)
FR: 04.07. - 29.08. and 02. + 30.05. | 20.06.
SA: 05.07.-30.08.
and 07.06., 21.06. | 27.09
  R 16971 R 16973 R 16975
Drosendorf from 11:30 15:30 18:40
Zissersdorf x 11:38 x 15:38 x 18:48
Geras-Kottaun 11:46 15:46 18:56
Langau x 11:55 x 15:55 x 19:05
Hessendorf fishing paradise 12:01 16:01 19:11
Weitersfeld Lower Austria x 12:11 x 16:11 x 19:21
Pleißing-Waschbach x 12:18 x 16:18 x 19:28
Niederfladnitz 12:31 16:31 19:41
Hofern x 12:35 x 16:35 x 19:45
Retz to 12:50 16:50 20:00
Retz (ab) 13:16 17:16 20:16
Vienna Floridsdorf (an) 14:17 18:17 21:17
Retz (ab) 14:17 18:17 20:17
Znojmo (an) 14:36 18:36 20:36

Important notes:
x Stop on demand - inform the train crew in good time if you wish to get off the train

Reservation obligation for bicycles! The reservation of seats and bicycle parking spaces is free of charge. The transport of bicycles is also free of charge.

Trips on the Reblaus Express are part of limited public transport: there are no operating, timetable, fare or transport obligations!